
SO! I found my old notebook from last year! And I finally scanned it, and I’m gonna post some pages from it now. They’re extremely personal and stuff so I don’t know why I want to post them here. I guess I find some weird beauty in all that angst. Oh yeah, if you’re triggered by suicidal depression or eating disorders, better not look. I’m not gonna specify who I was talking about or why I was depressed. Oh and some of these are quotes from Kurt Cobain. Yeah ok blah blah blah. Yeah this was in early ’12 so it’s all dead and gone. Wasn’t nice but I’m a different person now. Ok, enough personal stuff and back to drawing fun things!


just some things i did while playing around in photoshop ( ・ω・)i’m very interested in buddhism suddenly?? idk


….. and as much as it pains me here is a shitty drawing of 2D and Murdoc from Gorillaz as a horrible ”sorry i’ve been lazy” -bonus ((dont tell anyone that i ship them))ohhhhhhhh straight-appearing men having gay feelings [sparkles fly everywhere] [confetti is thrown] [panties are being ripped apart by the sheer power of sexiness]