i need to stop doodling random stuff and actually produce some fine art though(stop fucking telling me about your awesome social life because i dont wanna know just pretend you like to sit at home alone and eat tubes of ice cream so i will feel better)
random digital drawings ugh
and yes i changed the header pic thingy its pretty nice isnt it well it better be because its fuckin 5 am and i promised Murri I’d go to sleep by 3 but then i wanted to finish that whole fuckin shitty header pic but hey im an artist arent i??? i need to draw its in my veins and also im going to bed bye
and! as a bonus picture heres a surprise motherfuckers its a horse that i photoshopped into me because im ugly like a horse ok bye im going now
yea i have a tablet now !!! i hav 2 start getting used to using it!! (´ω`★)
and after complaining about having too big feet for heels, i decided to shop online for them, and found a couple of really cute ones !!!! and murri bought me a pair!!! ♥♥♥
(and lets not talk about the third one….. they didn’t pass the customs (ー_ー )ノ)